Tips To Put You In The Mood

If you read romance novels or watch any daytime TV you probably think that everyone is in the mood for sex all the time.  The reality, however, is that this is not true in the least.  Life happens.  Stress happens.  Children happen.  Careers happen.  Then you know what happens?  Yup, you are no longer in the mood 24/7 for sex!  So, when you want to have sex, but you really are not in the mood, how do you GET in the mood? 


MIND OVER WHAT MATTERS: Our minds can be our best friends or our biggest foes.  Frequently we, as humans, overthink – or simply think too much.  We worry about what we have to do the next day or the next week; we worry about what we are going to make for dinner; how much sleep you need to get before the big meeting the next morning.  In short:  we think.  Sometimes we need NOT to think.  We just need to focus on our lover.  Make “sex time” a “no think” time.  If you can get rid of the white noise you are free to explore those base, sexual feelings. 


Women In Bed Sexy FlirtyDRESS THE PART:  For centuries women have subscribed to the idea that lingerie and sexy undies are for THEM not for their partner.  This is because when you dress sexy you FEEL sexy.  When women feel pretty and sexy they are more likely to be in the mood for sex.  It is the concept of working from the outside in.  This theory can work for men too whether it be a new pair of undies, a sexy robe or even just new pajamas.  When the wrapping is beautiful and sexy – the person wrapped in it is more likely to feel sexy and be in the mood.


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IF YOU BUILD IT YOU WILL CUM:  The same idea as dressing sexy can transition to dressing up the bedroom in something that oozes sex.  Whether it is a romantic new bedding set or sheet set, new candles or any type of mood lighting or even a brand new bedroom sex (bed, dresser, etc.) When you prepare your bedroom for romance you are inviting that good bedroom karma into your life.  Nothing puts you in the mood faster than plush new bedding that makes the whole bedroom scream for sexual action.


WATCH PORN:  No, this is not just for men.  Porn is a quick and easy way to put your mind directly into the sexual realm.  In fact, it can sometimes only take a quick gander to get your blood pumping!  Wanna make it even sexier?  Watch it with your partner and amp each other up.  Even if you do not particularly love porn, you can find something simple to get those juices flowing.  Come on, don’t be a hater, give porn a shot.

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